Gibson Dunn heavyweight offers to represent Trump accusers for free

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has promised to sue individuals who publicly accuse him of sexual assault and misconduct - but one of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher's top litigators is stepping in.

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In a Twitter post published on Saturday, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher global litigation co-head Ted Boutrous made the remarkable offer to represent anyone sued by Mr Trump over their personal allegations against the Republican nominee free of charge. A suite of sexual misconduct allegations brought forward by multiple women against Mr Trump have hit his candidacy hard in the polls, and the controversial Republican nominee has responded by threatening to sue those women who publicly accuse him.

Levelling the playing field

On Saturday, Mr Boutrous tweeted: ‘I repeat, I will represent pro bono anyone #Trump sues for exercising their free speech rights. Many other lawyers have offered to join me.’ The offer is remarkable, given Mr Boutrous’ status as one of the country’s top litigators and a usual hourly billing rate well in excess of $1,000. Of the decision to offer pro bono services, he said: ‘It’s chilling that a powerful person can sue you, even though at the end of the day he might lose the case. If people know there’s a support network, then they can make their own decision about coming forward.’ Around 25 other Gibson Dunn lawyers, as well ‘at least another 30 from around the globe’, have offered to join Mr Boutrous in representing Trump’s accusers.

Sources:; Law Newz

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