Big firms shy away from representing Trump on Russia

Four major law firms are reported to have declined White House requests to represent President Donald Trump in the Russian investigations.


Reports in US media outlets claim the chief concern among the firms was whether Trump would be willing to listen to counsel combined with his ability to limit public commentary about the investigation, according to a Yahoo news report. The advisors are reported to be: Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly, Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Paul Clement and Mark Filip of Kirkland & Ellis and Robert Giuffra of Sullivan & Cromwell. Mr Olson and Mr Clement have in the past represented US Presidents - having both served as Solicitor General under former President George W Bush.

Concerns with foundation

On the 8 May President Trump released a series of tweets about the investigation saying that any collusion between Russia and Trump was ‘a total hoax’. And so the job has ultimately fallen to New York lawyer Marc Kasowitz, who has represented Trump in prior business cases.

Russian investigation

The Russian investigation was instigated after revelations of meetings between Jared Kushner,  the President’s senior adviser and son-in-law, and a Russian banker amid claims Mr Kushner sought to create a back channel with Moscow. Source: CBS News 

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