Formula 1 lawyer subject to 'horrific' robbery

Stephen Mullens, lawyer in the Formula 1 empire, was the victim of a 'horrific' robbery at the time of Bernie Ecclestone's divorce, and considered fleeing the country as a result, the London High Court has heard.

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Mr Mullens has been giving evidence in the civil case in which Constantin Medien, the German media company, is claiming US$140m from him, Bernie Ecclestone and the Ecclestone family trust, Bambino. Constantin Medien alleges that it lost out financially when, allegedly, Formula 1 was sold below its real market value nine years ago.

Many possibilities

Mr Mullens was describing a time when Bernie Ecclestone and his then wife Slavica were divorcing, and he, Mr Mullens, in his role as legal adviser to the family trust, was helping Mrs Ecclestone. After a 'horrific' robbery he decided to leave the UK. He claimed that Bernie Ecclestone had, apparently, not been pleased at the extent to which Mr Mullens was assisting Mrs Ecclestone. Asked if he, Mr Mullens, had wondered whether Mr Ecclestone might have 'orchestrated' the burglary, Mr Mullens replied: 'It crossed my mind that he may have. It also crossed my mind that a very large number of other people who I had dealings with professionally and personally may have been involved.'

Peace was made afterwards, but the situation remained complicated in relation to Mrs Ecclestone who, according to Mr Mullens' evidence, lent Mr Mullens £15m, later began proceedings for return of the money and, later again, apologised for taking action against him. Source: The Financial Times

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