'Super drunk' charge for NHL prospect

In the rough and tumble world that is North American ice hockey, the players are accustomed to taking routine hammerings.
Riley Sheahan: not in his Tinky Winky outfit

Riley Sheahan: not in his Tinky Winky outfit Getty Images

But Detroit Red Wings centre Riley Sheahan was clearly hammered in a different way following a Hallowe’en party and is now facing severe penalties after being charged under Michigan’s tough ‘super drunk’ laws.
Grand Rapids police picked up the player dressed as Teletubby Tinky Winky -- from the BBC children’s show -- at a traffic stop, reports the Detroit Free Press newspaper.
Mr Sheahan registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.30 per cent, with the legal driving limit set at 0.08 per cent. The limit for the ‘super drunk’ consideration is 0.17 per cent.
The charge carries a penalty of 180 days in prison and the possibility of deportation for the Canadian-born 20-year-old. Making matters worse was the discovery of a forged identity card in a false name and showing an age of 21; those younger than 21 are prohibited from drinking in Michigan.
Mr Sheahan reportedly asked to be allowed to change out of his Tinky Winky outfit once the patrol car had deposited him at a police station, but he collapsed in the process.
The hearing is scheduled for 13 December.

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