Danny Fournier

Danny Fournier

Danny Fournier is a former law enforcement officer with the Quebec Provincial Police service in Canada where he specialized in organized crime investigations and oversaw drug and contraband tobacco enforcement operations with the Quebec “ACCESS Program” to fight the underground economy. He is currently Senior Manager with Rothmans, Benson and Hedges Canada’s (RBH) department of Illicit Trade Prevention (ITP). He helped implement the first online monitoring program to prevent the growth of online illicit sales, achieving remarkable results with major Canadian online sales platform operators. An expert witness in criminal court since 2010, he specializes in drug trafficking, contraband tobacco and transborder criminality. He is the only private sector member in Canada to be recognized in criminal court as an expert-witness on the combined subjects of contraband tobacco and how criminal organizations operate. In 2023 alone he provided over 20 written expert-witness reports or opinions on contraband tobacco and related organized criminal activities to support law enforcement agencies and prosecution services across Canada.
