Technology & Innovation | Page 11

With our lives increasingly ruled by technology, is it any surprise that search engines are telling us what to look for, rather than the other way around? Search engine creator Gabriel Weinberg tells James Barnes how things should be different | 11yrs

Experts - and even senior judges - are telling lawyers to overcome concerns about advanced e-disclosure techniques. But, asks Greg Wildisen, will they listen? | 12yrs

Nuggets of gold or smoking guns can be buried deep in an organisation's information mine. Having the tools to unearth them is vital, counsels Nigel Cannings | 12yrs

Many a chief executive has nightmares featuring the heavy tread of regulators approaching the boardroom door. Deborah Blaxell suggests that having key information prepared in advance can take the worry out of such visits | 12yrs

Investing in the latest legal spend software relieves pressure on general counsel, but it can still be a tough sell in the boardroom when faced with sceptical executives. Scott Walker argues that GCs should stick to their guns | 12yrs

With discovery being a major component of litigation in many jurisdictions, the efficient conduct of document retrieval can help litigants avoid a judicial drubbing - and achieve significant savings, counsels Adrian White | 12yrs

Electronic document searching and review is often the bane of modern litigation. Nick Patience considers an emerging technique designed to make the process more efficient | 12yrs

Social media is not just a place for people to share their holiday snaps or keep up with celebrity gossip, says Chrissie Lightfoot. Business lawyers need to get chatting and tweeting or risk extinction | 12yrs

Corporates need urgently to address issues of data governance from both internal and external regualtory perspectives, argues Howard Sklar | 12yrs

Law firms must climb out of their self-dug technology holes by adopting simpler and more flexible systems and processes, argues Daniel Brown | 12yrs

Electronic trails are growing in volume and complexity, creating a nightmare for lawyers in disclosure exercises. But, warns Drew Macaulay, there are serious consequences in getting it wrong | 12yrs
