BLP ramps up outsourcing strategy

Global law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner is to launch a major push for new clients for its two-and-a-half-year-old outsourced legal services supplier, according to reports from London.
Monument in London: City firm launches revised business plan

Monument in London: City firm launches revised business plan

Berwin management is gearing up to present its partners with a revised business plan for the firm’s managed legal service arm.
Legal Week newspaper reports that the plan – which will be presented later in the year – follows the firm’s recruitment last March of former Fujitsu director Andre MacNaughton as chief executive of the managed services entity.

External investment

According to the report, Mr MacNaughton is considering including in the business plan the possibility of taking external investment for the outsourced legal services supplier.
Berwin’s managed legal services’ only current client is English utility company Thames Water, which has a five-year, £5 million deal that was struck shortly after the business was launched in 2010. The entity is aiming to sign up to two more clients over the next nine months, and is targeting large corporates, regulated industries and government organisations.
BLP managing partner Neville Eisenberg said: ‘The MLS concept is designed to provide solutions for major companies with significant legal spend. It forms part of a range of options which we offer our clients in order to best address their requirements in the current market.’

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