Charlie Hebdo team hits out at lawyers and financiers

Fifteen of the staff who survived the terrorist attack on the Paris-based magazine in January have said that the €30m received by the title has made it 'tempting prey' for lawyers and financiers.

A row has broken out over money received for the Charlie Hebdo campaign rmnoa357

The group has written a joint article in Le Monde in which they write of the aftermath of the assassination of 11 of their colleagues at the start of the year. They now propose that the satirical magazine reform itself as a co-operative. They hit out at 'opaque' decisions being made by lawyers, now that so much money has poured in. 

Luz cartoons

The management has hit back. A legal spokesman, who did not wish to be named, said that the complaints of the 15 'remind me of a family quarrelling over grannies’ jewels on the way home from the cemetery'. The 15 include the most famous of the survivors - the cartoonist Luz, for instance, whose drawings of Mohamed are now known around the world. Sources: Le Monde and The Independent

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