Developing your internal brand in a digitally-led culture

Staying visible not just to line managers but decision makers who have a hand in selection processes and salary reviews is key, writes Eversheds Sutherland’s Dominic Ayres

Law firms have embraced remote working as a long-term strategy. For marketers, this has led to extra hours, more meetings and a temptation to take on too many tasks to demonstrate value. 

 This doesn’t need to be the case. While maintaining internal brand relevance requires marketers to be proactive at work and in their career management, that effort can be focused and rewarding.  

The trick, as firms adapt to new ways of working, is to stay visible, not just to line managers but to the decision-makers who will have a hand in who to select for promotion and salary reviews. 

Focusing only on line managers is something most professionals do well, but they rarely make the final call over promotions. 

 It is important to perform above the expectations of all the stakeholders who feed into the career development process. Helping them to reach their objectives and deliver consistent results on complex initiatives that would often be the responsibility of someone in a more senior position. 

 Strategies for creating and maintaining visibility when working remotely include the following: 

 ●      Work and communicate efficiently and effectively; ensure projects keep moving and provide regular status updates to your line manager and other stakeholders so they can see you are on top of your workload. 

 ●      Create consistent and regular touchpoints each week, by connecting with a few colleagues outside your direct team. It can be as simple as checking in on how they are doing, how you can support them, or sending them helpful information. 

 ●      Speak up and show up consistently; there is increased importance on the level of input you provide during meetings when working remotely. Ensure you have your camera on and contribute to each discussion. 

 ●      Be a team player; taking part in firm-wide initiatives is a great way to remind people of who you are. When appropriate, post about these activities on LinkedIn to engage with colleagues, others at your firm and contacts and clients in the wider community. 

The Law Firm Marketing Summit, which is co-hosted by The Global Legal Post, takes place in London on 11 October. Click here for more details

 Moving on 

 The war for talent extends beyond lawyers to marketing and business development professionals and there are plenty of opportunities for executives to further their careers by making lateral moves.  

Joining a new firm presents additional challenges during the era of remote working. Those who rely solely on formal onboarding processes will struggle to develop the relationships they need to hit the ground running. It is crucial to build relationships across the firm efficiently and effectively by seeking out important individuals outside the formal channels, individuals who colleagues have identified as influential within the firm.  

 Positively influencing your internal reputation will improve your chances of promotion and salary increases, and create opportunities to work on more exciting initiatives, moving up the career ladder in the process.  

Dominic Ayres is a senior client development manager at Eversheds Sutherland, responsible for the client strategy for the firm’s industrials sector group. He recently published the book ‘How to Advance Your Career in Professional Services Marketing', which is available on Amazon

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