Israeli lawyer becomes unlikely Palestinian champion

Israeli lawyer Michael Sfard has surprised many in his country by becoming one of the leading defenders of the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

In the streets of East Jerusalem Donz_Bozzi

From his office in Tel Aviv, Mr Sfard has taken cases to the Israeli Supreme Court where he has won famous human rights victories on behalf of Palestinian clients. He says: 'I'm not a Palestinian freedom fighter.  I'm an Israeli human rights attorney who fights to strengthen human rights in Israel and in the territories it occupies and represents my clients the best I can.' 

Equal rights?

But he is not supported by all Israelis. Lawyer Nitzana Darshan-Leitner, a leading lawyer against Palestinian militant organisations, says: 'In a state of conflict, you can't give both sides equal rights.  Sometimes it comes to a situation of either them or us. If he comes to defend them, he certainly hurts us.' Source: Haaretz

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