King & Wood Mallesons launches virtual trainee programme

In an innovative move, the firm is creating Australia's first law virtual internships for students interested in working in global law firms.


In a first, King & Wood Mallesons has upped the game for law graduates by launching Australia's first virtual experience internship programme. The law firm has joined forces with InsideSherpa and received over 1000 applications from 42 universities. According to KWM chief executive partner Beverley Cox, the iniative was devised to allow students to mirror the work carried out by trainees in the law firm via the online platform. Applicants can opt to do five modules and receive briefings by video from the law firm. They will complete actual tasks from drafting documents to working with smart contracts and carrying out pro bono work work for local communities. 

Realistic opportunity

The programme aims to provide a realistic opportunity for law students aspiring to join the profession to savour life in a major commerical law firm. According to the law firm, it endeavours to provide a real-life insight into work carried out by the law firm's graduates. On its website InsideShepa says of KWM: 'A lot of firms speak about their commitment to innovation. KWM have implemented various programs and projects to match the rhetoric with action!' It cites the firm's LaunchPad platform, Hackathons and KWM's coding classes for lawyers.

Real access

InsideSherpa says it provides real work for students.'Our virtual internships mirror the work junior lawyers, bankers, analysts and consultants do.'It also said that it gives real access. 'We don’t care if you have poor marks, no experience, no PR status or no connections. All students can access our internships.' The company says students 'get real feedback, the chance to meet companies, and the right to put the internship experience on your CV.'

Clifford Chance

The InsideShepa website also lists Clifford Chance's Australian offices as a participant. It says of the firm: 'Clifford Chance is a complex one because it's a enormous firm internationally (one of the leading UK firms) but a tiny one domestically. They have offices in Perth and Sydney. The important thing to be aware of Clifford Chance is that it's domestic office has a truly global flavour. Some other firms will say they have an international flavour, but Clifford Chance will insist that you spend six months overseas during your graduate program in another office (usually in Asia). So if you have a genuine interest in working for a global firm then this is the place to go!'

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