Lawyers call on Kenya to prevent terror attacks on Christians

The Kenyan military and police forces must be more effective in their gathering and analysis of intelligence relating to attacks on Christian churches, a leading local lawyer has said.
Kenya: al-Shabaab attacks

Kenya: al-Shabaab attacks

James Mwamu – a resident scholar in the Kenyan branch of the East African Law Society -- scolded the government for not providing a secure environment for its citizens following terrorist attacks on two churches on Sunday by Somalia’s al-Qaeda-linked terror cell al-Shabaab.
According to a report on the, the sneak attacks left 17 dead – including two police officers – and more than 40 wounded.
‘We are concerned about the security situation in Kenya… we wish to condemn those attacks in the strongest terms possible, and the reason is that we cannot allow terrorists to be running around killing men women and children, innocent civilians, who have nothing to do with the war that is happening in Somalia,’ said Mr Mwamu.
‘I think, now more than ever, the Kenyan government needs to take the threats of al-Shabaab more seriously than ever because we do not know where they are going to strike out next.’

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