Madrid inaugurates co-working centre

New initiative offers lawyers co-working space and mediation facilities in the heart of Madrid's judicial quarter at low cost.

Juan Gonzalo Ospina and Lola Fernández ICAM

The Espacio Abogacía, a new co-working centre for lawyers in Madrid, has been opened by the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados (ICAM).

Official opening

The centre, which is located in front of Plaza Castilla in Calle Bravo Murillo 337, includes administration facilities, meeting rooms and secretarial services. ICAM´s dean, former Garrigues and Baker McKenzie managing partner Jose Maria Alonso, said the opening of the centre, had been extremely satisfying for both him personally and the ICAM board. He explained, ‘our fundamental objective is to dignify the legal profession.’ The deputies of the board of government of the college, Juan Gonzalo Ospina and Lola Fernaandez, visited the new facilities to unveil the college formally.

Mediation facilities

The new space will also house the mediation and arbitration services of the college, as ICAM reinforces its commitment to alternative methods for the resolution of conflicts, as well as the area of advocacy defense, which will also be part of the so-called ADR Space. The opening hours of the center, which is already fully operational, is 12 hours from 9 until 9, uninterrupted from Monday to Friday, to facilitate the work of lawyers which is in close proximity to the judicial centre of the city.

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