Oscar Pistorius' lawyer claims athlete can't afford another trial

Barry Roux has said that the former Paralympic athlete's ability to pay for another trial over the murder of his former girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp would be 'non-existent'.

Frederic Legrand - COMEO

Mr Pistorius, 28, was found guilty of culpable homicide and a firearms offence in October last year and was sentenced to five years in jail. South African prosecutors lodged an appeal calling for him to be tried for murder, arguing that under South African law a person can be found ‘guilty of murder with lesser intent if they acted with the knowledge that a person might be killed because of their actions, but went ahead anyway’.

Re-trial ‘unfair’

Mr Roux said the prosecutors are continuing with a ‘failed case’ and that a re-trial wouldn’t be fair, as witnesses would have been exposed to extensive media coverage. The case is expected to reach the Supreme Court of Appeal in November. Source: The Independent

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