Spotlight shifts to possible Apple-Samsung compromise

Following the end of the smartphone wars between Apple and Google, experts are wondering whether the Apple-Samsung battles might also come to an end.

Experts are wondering whether the Apple-Samsung battles might come to an end. Adriano Castelli

Mark McKenna, law professor at the University of Notre Dame said: ‘It’s certainly a hopeful sign about the broader smartphone wars. One might naturally expect this would make a settlement of the Samsung cases more likely, since it seems Apple has come to accept that it is not going to destroy Android.’ The Financial Times called the Google litigation ‘a largely fruitless legal campaign’. 

More problematic

Apple has made similar deals with Nokia and other rival smartphone makers in the past. The settlement of the Samsung litigation is seem as being more problematic. Apple won damages of US$120m against Samsung in April, but this was much lower than the US$2b it had been seeking. Source: Financial Times

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