Sri Lankan lawyers ramp up protests

Lawyers in Sri Lanka have protested over the last few days against a government minister who allegedly intimidated a magistrate in the Tamil dominated district of Mannar.
Colombo: lawyers protest

Colombo: lawyers protest joyfull/

The lawyers gathered outside Hultsdorf Court Complex in the capital, Colombo, to urge immediate action against the minister, Rishad Bathiyutheen, including his arrest for alleged contempt of court, reports Sri Lankan news web site the Colombo Page.
Similar protests were staged in Mannar town by lawyers from Vavuniya, Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi and Jaffna.
The lawyers have asked that steps be taken to stop alleged political interference in the judiciary. Meanwhile, a petition has been filed against Minister Bathiyutheen, who is also the leader of the All Ceylon Muslim Congress, at the Court of Appeal under the charge of allegedly threatening a judge and attacking a court.

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