Top 80 Spanish law firms hit €2.7 billion

Revenue of the top 80 law firms in Spain totals over €2.7 billion as Garrigues takes top spot but international firms take 7 of 10 spots.


Most of the top 80 firms increased their billing in 2018, with some leading firms attributing their growth, in part, to high-performing international practices in Latin America and substantial growth in their Portuguese offices.

Top Ten

Garrigues takes the number one spot in Spain by revenue, with billing totalling €364.6 million in 2018, a 2.1 per cent increase on the previous year. Second place is taken by Cuatrecasas, whose billing increased 11.9 per cent to €277.4 million, with the firm’s offices outside Spain accounting for 12.3 per cent of the firm’s total billing. Revenue at Uria Menendez increased 2.3 per cent to €240.7 million, with international work now accounting for 25 per cent of the firm’s revenue, put the firm third. The following four places went to the legal arms of accountancy firms PwC Tax & Legal (€155,8), Deloitte Legal (€128,7), EY Abogados (€123,6) and KPMG Abogados (€102). International law firms made up the remaining places in the top ten, with Baker Mckenzie (€66,8), Linklaters (€66,5) and Clifford Chance (€63,2).

Other Spanish results

One of the more notable changes is Perez-Llorca, whose billing increased by an impressive 30 per cent, to €52 million, which included fees for advising the bidders on the €32 billion takeover of Abertis. Other notable numbers were turned in by Legalitas (€50.7 million), Ecija (€44.5 million) and RCD (€34.4 million), with all three firms achieving double-digit growth. Less successful was Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo, whose revenue dropped 5 per cent to €15.9 million.

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