Asia/India - Page 6

Indian legislators to clear a path for startups

India is poised to legislate sweeping changes to its Companies Act which will make is easier for smaller companies to set up shop in the country.

Up to 1 in 3 lawyers in India may have fake degrees

The Bar Council of India has launched a crackdown on unqualified legal practitioners, suggesting that as many as 30 per cent of the country's lawyers may be practicing with fraudulent qualifications.

  • 8yrs

Indian officials say no to software patents

India's Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks has reaffirmed its position that allowing the patenting of software would hinder innovation and competition in the country's tech industry.

India moves slowly to liberalise legal services

India is in no hurry to liberalise its legal services market as each bar council is included in a consultation.

  • 8yrs

'Lawyers' beat up students and journalists at New Delhi courthouse

A group of men in lawyers' robes attacked teachers and students of New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University at the Patiala House court on Monday, where the university's student union president Kanhaiya Kumar appeared to face a sedition charge.

  • 8yrs

India shuns Facebook Free Basics as challenge to net neutrality

Mark Zuckerberg's free internet access scheme has failed to win favour with Indian regulators, who argue that offering free access to a limited selection of websites would violate the principles of net neutrality.

Indian Supreme Court may overhaul anti-gay law

India's highest court has agreed to review a colonial-era law which criminalises homosexual activity, in a move long awaited by the country's LGBT activists.

  • 8yrs

India plans to crack open national legal services market

After two decades of stalled negotiations, Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has announced that foreign lawyers will soon be granted the right to practice in India.

  • 8yrs

Lawyers face 'bleak' marriage prospects in India, Chief Justice warns

The waning esteem of the legal profession in India may leave lawyers hard pressed to find a spouse, according to the country's Chief Justice.

  • 8yrs

Delhi lawyers provide blankets to homeless living under flyovers

A law firm in Delhi has raised enough money to buy 160 blankets for the homeless, at a time when those sleeping rough are at risk of dying from the cold.

  • 8yrs

India set to streamline intellectual property procedures

The Indian government has unveiled a new framework for approving and defending intellectual property rights. It is intended to boost innovation and remove obstacles to doing business in India for multinational corporations, particularly drugmakers.

Indian regulators move to help insurance policyholders

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) says that an amendment to the Insurance Laws Act 2015 will help claimants.

  • 8yrs

Delhi district courts lose a sixth of working time to strike action

Delhi's six district courts see more strikes than any other courts in India, a country bedevilled by the use of strike action among lawyers.

  • 8yrs

Indian courts slow down arrival of foreign law firms

The main chance for foreign law firms to be able to enter India without years of delay lies with Parliament, according to experts who believe that a new decision from the Supreme Court will hold up the issue indefinitely.

  • 9yrs

Supreme Court: lawyers should pass fitness test to appear in court

The Supreme Court of India has said that the mental and physical fitness of lawyers should be put to the test to prove they are able to conduct trials in criminal cases and ensure that litigants don't suffer on account of their competence.

  • 9yrs

Google faces barrage of antitrust complaints

The Indian antitrust authority has released a lengthy report evaluating allegations of monopoly abuses by Google. The document's release coincides with the launch of a platform to help companies to collectively sue the search engine.

Indian law firms say they are ready to compete with foreigners

After 20 years of preparation, Indian law firms are ready to compete with law firms from abroad, according to the president of the Society of Indian Law Firms (Silf).

  • 9yrs

Indian lawyers live in luxury as firms compete for talent

The Amarchand Mangaldas split has created a wave of pay hikes and poaching, with big and even mid-sized law firms forced to compete to retain top talent.

  • 9yrs

India's plans to open to foreigners will not include all countries

In its latest update to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), India has said that it will be open only to foreign lawyers from countries that offer similar treatment to Indian lawyers.

  • 9yrs

India hopes to shake out fake lawyers in early 2016 verification plan

Only a fortnight after it was estimated that 30 per cent of Indian lawyers are fake, it has emerged that there is no reliable data and that it will take at least six months to set up and run a verification process.

  • 9yrs